Antipasti e stuzzichini italiano pizze e focacce

Il danubio



Per la pasta brioche:
600 g di farina 00 (o metá manitoba e metá 00)
280 g di latte leggermente tiepido
50 g di olio di oliva
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
1 cubetto di lievito di birra fresco oppure una bustina di lievito disidratato
1 uovo grande
1 tuorlo per spennellare (che potete sostituire con del latte)

Sciogliete il lievito nel latte tiepido con lo zuchero.
Mettete la farina in una terrina, aggiungete l’uovo, l’olio e il lievito sciolto nel latte, il sale.
Impastate bene fino ad ottenere un composto morbido ed omogeneo.
Lasciate riposare in ambiente tiepido per circa 1 ora e mezza. Quando l’impasto sara’ pronto ricavate tante palline tutte uguali.
Appiattite ogni pallina farcitela con il ripieno e richiudetela raccogliendo i bordi come un fagottino, formate delle palline e disponetele nella teglia da forno con la chiusura verso il basso, leggermente distanziate l’una dall’altra.
Lasciate lievitare per almeno mezz’ora.
Spennellate col tuorlo d’uovo o latte e cuocete in forno preriscaldato a 200 C per 20 minuti.

Per il ripieno:
salame ed emmenthal
prosciutto cotto e formaggio
speck e gorgonzola
verdure e bechamel
ricotta e spinaci
cio’ che vi piace di piu’


For the brioche dough:
600 g 00 flour
280 ml of slightly warm milk
50 ml of olive oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
20 g  of fresh yeast or one teaspoon of dried yeast
1 large egg
1 egg yolk for brushing (you can substitute with milk)

Dissolve yeast in warm milk with sugar.
Put the flour in a bowl, add the egg, oil and the dissolved yeas, salt.
Mix well until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
Let stand in warm place for about 1 hour and a half. When the dough will be ready make balls of same size.
Flatten each ball, fill with the stuffing and close it picking up the edges making again into balls  Place them the on baking sheet with the closed part  down, slightly apart from each other.
Let rise for at least half an hour.
Brush with egg yolk or milk and bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for 20 minutes.

For the filling:
salami and Swiss cheese
ham and cheese
bacon and gorgonzola
vegetables and bechamel
spinach and ricotta
whatever you like most 🙂 You can fill it the way you wish. 


Para la masa brioche:
600 g de harina 00
280 ml de leche tibia
50 ml de aceite de oliva
1 cucharadita de azúcar
20 g de levadura fresca o un sobre de levadura seca
1 huevo grande
1 yema de huevo para cepillar (se puede sustituir con leche)

Disolver la levadura en la leche tibia con el azucar.
Poner la harina en un bol, añadir el huevo, el aceite y la levadura disuelta en la leche, sal.
Amasar bien hasta obtener una masa suave y homogénea.
Dejar leudar durante aproximadamente 1 hora y media. Cuando la masa esta’ lista cortarla en pedacitos para formar unas pequeñas bolitas.
Estirar las bolitas y rellenar, cerrarlas recogiendo los bordes, colocarlas en una bandeja para hornear,  ligeramente separadas unas de otras. Dejar reposar durante al menos media hora.
Pintar con yema de huevo o leche y hornear en horno precalentado a 200 º C durante mas o menos 20 minutos.

Para el relleno:
salame y queso
jamón y queso mozarella
bacon y gorgonzola
verduras y bechamel
espinacas y ricotta
pueden poner lo que más les gusta!

Di relaxingcooking

I’m a psicologist with the passion for cooking. Through my work, through some experience as educator and giving cooking lessons I have learned that over time that making something delicious to share with others provides a boost of confidence, that the simple act of cooking is good for your MIND. Let’s turn our kitchen into an oasis of positive emotions!

My blog is a space where we can share thoughts, ideas, recipes. Life stories and experiences.
Born out of passion and pleasure to learn, to discover and experience new things.

24 risposte su “Il danubio”

This looks so good and soft. I can almost smell it! I am looking forward to bake this. Anto, will this recipe still work if i cut the amount of dried yeast by half and allow more rising time? My family is quite afraid of bread with smell of strong yeast.

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Every time I read Ms. Mariantonietta’s blog at RelaxingCooking, I feel transported back to my Granny’s kitchen. I enjoy her recipes….and she is what I call a sensuous chef. Stop by her blog to get a taste of Latin heaven.

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